The Race to Disclose. The Race to Fame and Glory?

Finding a new vulnerability in widely deployed product is exciting. Very exciting. And a natural first instinct is to want to share that information and get credit for it. So, why not just cobble together some sketchy details and post it to Full-Disclosure, milw0rm or your web log? What could possibly go wrong?

Well, a couple of things actually.

First, someone else may have already discovered the issue and posted about it. A best practice is to search the archives for bugs reported against the product and see if any cover what you've found. Do a Google search with some relevant keywords. Avoid reporting about a older version when the most current resolves the issue.

Second, what you found may not be that important. Not every browser quirk, visual glitch or access violation needs to be broadcast to the entire world. Doing so is a waste of everyone's time. Love them or hate them, Microsoft's 10 Immutable Laws of Security are spot on when it comes to this. So, if your vulnerability falls in that gray area, what should you do?

The best possible approach is develop an exploit that does something interesting. Create a demonstration that shows how the problem can actually be abused. I can't understand the amount of the time and energy people expend complaining that a vulnerability is or is not exploitable. Release a demonstration and there won't be anything to argue about.

I only bring this up because the trend of bogus and/or worthless bug reports continues to grow. And those doing it for the fame and the glory just end up appearing like idiotic newbies. Which I would suppose is the exact opposite of what they wanted.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/19 at 12:36 in Rants

You got your JAR in my JPEG

PDP from GNUCITIZEN suggested that Java applets can be load from corrupted JAR files. I'm not sure what browser or JRE he was working with, but after following his documented steps I was ready to call shenanigans. Combining a JPEG and a JAR did result in a file that could be opened as an image as well as extracted as a PKZIP archive (this is a totally old-school, ghetto stego trick). On Mac OS X (with Firefox the corrupted file wouldn't load as an applet. And on Linux, the 1.6u3 Sun JRE exhibited the same behavior. The applet would be downloaded but when processed it wouldn't load.

Finally, as a last resort, I tried using Windows and was able to get some success with Firefox and 1.6u3. The JRE would generally load the applet no matter what the garbage content was in front of it. I decided I had done something wrong in my Mac and Linux tests and went back to re-test.

After re-testing, Linux appears to be susceptible to this trick as well, but not as consistently. There is some strange cache behavior that appears to influence whether or not the file is recognized as an applet. I'm thinking that if a user visits the file before it has been corrupted, it won't be recognized as an applet later.

I've come to the conclusion that Mac OS X isn't affected by this issue. Apple provides its own Java Environment and there must be some difference that is preventing this trick from working.

Online demonstration coming soon.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/18 at 22:27 in Hacking

Java Socket Restrictions, Proxy Servers, and the URLConnection

In early October, Sun updated the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to close some of the gaping holes in the handling of network connections: Security Vulnerabilities in Java Runtime Environment May Allow Network Access Restrictions to be Circumvented. As a result, the ever popular DNS rebinding and document.domain bypass vectors were effectively shut down. The JRE now attempts to validate that the network address and hostnames are linked when establishing socket connections (see the end of my Attacking the Tor Control Port with Java for more discussion and a network trace).

Of course, it is possible that these changes have not been effective. There may yet be some means of bypassing the restrictions either through DNS rebinding or the document.domain exception. The comments in the code seem to indicate the solution is not fully baked.


     //XXX: if it looks a spoof just return the address?
     if (!ok) {


     // XXX: if all else fails, compare hostnames?
     // Do we really want this?

One of the other points of attack in DNS rebinding exploits are proxy servers. The latest JRE (6u3) seems to take a different code path when a proxy has been explicitly configured through the network settings:

Java Proxy Server Settings

Arbitrary socket connections are still not permitted, but connections made through the URLConnection class are allowed. The setRequestProperty can be used to set HTTP header values, but depending on the proxy that you are going through these may be adjusted. Remember, the proxy is the one making the request.

I've only tested using the document.domain exception bypass and LiveConnect, but I would assume that something similar can be performed using a DNS rebinding approach and applets. Also, I haven't fully investigated the impact of the "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" option.

I've put up an online demonstration. You'll need Firefox, a 1.6 JRE, and a proxy server with a locally configured web server. The demo attempts to connect to the local web server by requesting the root document through the proxy.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/15 at 21:27 in Hacking

Switched Over

The site has been completely switched over. I'll be watching the logs for 404s.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/13 at 23:56 in General

We Are All Fools

Gadi's keen sense of the human condition shining through: when it comes to porn we are all fools.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/13 at 11:33 in Hilarity

Fedora Core 3!

Honestly, who still runs Fedora Core 3? The default install has nearly 500MB of updates to download and that still leaves it dreadfully out of date. It was EOL'd in early 2006.

Maybe there is a good reason for it, but I'm just not seeing it.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/10 at 20:50 in Rants

The Sky Is Falling?

What is with all the sky is falling stridency lately? From Gadi Evron's OS X is the new Windows 98 to PDP's dire predictions of data: and jar: protocol attacks, there seems to be an onslaught of apocalyptic posts without anything backing them up. Just throwing out random predictions is easy, but presenting actual metrics and actionable information is where the true value lies. Not that there aren't interesting data points and insightful content to be found, it is just buried under the grand-standing and the annoying self-righteousness. Unless some people dial it down a little bit, they risk not being taken seriously.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/06 at 22:27 in Rants

New site design. New site layout.

In an effort to make the site more accessible and bring the site design out of the 1990's, I've performed a complete makeover. What originally started out as a simple update to include an RSS feed for notification of software changes morphed into a much bigger project than I expected.

I had very specific requirements in what I wanted to see with the site redesign, and I wasn't able to find any simple, secure blogging or CMS software that met my needs. So of course I set out and built a new site from scratch. The biggest hurdle has been migrating the old content to the new layout and setting up appropriate 301 redirects. This has proved quite challenging. Thank goodness for Google's site: operator.

So expect some problems as I work the kinks out.

Posted by gfleischer on 2007/11/05 at 23:35 in General

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