A list of various utilities hosted on pseudo-flaw.net. I've included anything that I've used more than once or found helpful in my day-to-day work.
TFTPgrab: TFTPgrab is TFTP stream extractor. Download the latest version (sig).
make-lm-hash.pl: a Perl script that reads plaintext words and outputs the corresponding LanMan hashes. Useful for bulk of generation of LM hashes. Requires Crypt::DES.
Find MD5 Prefix Collision (sig): a simply utility to assist in finding MD5 prefix collisions. Read more.
Tor Hacking Utils (sig): Some wrapper scripts around common utilities and other simple programs that are nice to have in an isolated Tor environment. README
CDRyppr: When I purchase music on physical media, I want to rip the music into a couple of different formats, but I only want to handle the CD once. So, I put together this command line Python script that wraps cdparanoia, lame and oggenc. The script will rip the CD to WAV and then encode in high quality OGG, MP3 and low quality MP3. Requires Python CDDB support.
docinfo.pl: Perl script to dump some Microsoft Word document metadata. Needs Harlan Carvey's File::MSWord. The script is an expanded version of author-info.pl.
confoonu.rb: Ruby script that create web-pages that have the same MD5 sum, but generate different content dynamically using JavaScript. An improved version of Dan Kaminsky's confoo.pl. Improvements include support for IE7 and ability to specify a default page to display when JavaScript is not present or has been disabled.
deconfoo.rb: Ruby script to extract original files from a web page created with Dan Kaminsky's confoo.pl.
random-chars.pl: Perl script to generate random characters in different character sets by reading from /dev/urandom. Generate unusable passwords and random email addresses.
vigenere.rb: a simple Ruby script to encrypt/decrypt using Vigenère ciphers.